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King Luffy • 2 years ago

Jinbe is like a safety pin, putting everyone together

Kintama • 2 years ago

Finally a responsible adult. Robin is responsible too but doesnt stop them😅

Varad • 2 years ago

She's an amused adult watching children play cat mouse games :P

Valeria • 1 year ago

she doesnt care enough to meddle

Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

After brook Robin is the oldest, she's in her 30s. After that Ig it's Franky who's also in his late 20s probably

Pain • 1 year ago

nah franky is elder than her ig

Spauw • 1 year ago

yh franky is 36

Abhinav Neoharys Varma • 1 year ago

Kinda irrelevant, but his and Luffy's relationship kinda reminds me of Krishna and Arjuna. He's a mentor, guide and a trusted friend of Luffy

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Rule #1: Nothing EVER goes according plan in One Piece.

Damn daniel • 1 year ago

Ikr? I bet Luffy will be the one to mese up the plan.

Tanukichi Okuma • 2 years ago

This comment cracked me up big time lmfao

Pain • 1 year ago

reminds me of Madara's saying
"Nothing ever goes as planned in this accursed world"

Look at Jinbei. Already acting like he is part of Mugiwara crew.
I want him to join the crew as soon as possible.
He knows how to tell Luffy anything in such a way he can understand. Like the way Jinbei made Luffy stop fighting with bege. And even on fishman island jinbei made Luffy to follow plan by telling him he won’t have to share his meat 😂.
It will be really great to have Jinbei in the crew. He knows more about new world, and pirates, and marine, and current affairs of OP universe than anyone in Mugiwara crew.
And is hella powerful.
Can’t wait for him to join the crew.

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

Can't wait for Luffy to mess up this plan

Imagining Law getting uneasy, Somewhere in Wano.

Straw Hat Pirates • 1 year ago

I can already see it 😂

Kintama • 2 years ago

I want carrot to join too😋 So that we can finally get a no lewd only protect straw hat girl😅

I don’t think carrot will join the crew, because Luffy said he just want 10 people on ship and they are 10 now. I don’t know if he was including himself i. Those 10 or not.
I also want carrot to join, then there won’t be weak trio instead there will be four of them.

Uttol • 2 years ago

he didn't say it would be just 10. He said it would be around 10 crewmates. I think one or two more won't make a difference

AnchorSean • 2 years ago

Poor Caesar getting his heart pounded by luffy HAHAHA

Ninja_0Sanity • 2 years ago

"Gas-hiko" lmao hiko means retarded

Nifa • 2 years ago

lmao I didn’t know that now that makes it even funnier 🤣

Zapped • 2 years ago


shamel csnz • 2 years ago

sounds wrong but LMFAOOOOO

King Luffy • 2 years ago

It's literally feels like Underground Mafia Meeting ft funny version

Carrot is me <3 just wondering

Daycrist • 5 months ago

Carrot is basically a female Luffy....

Maigo Marimo • 2 years ago

bege: "we have these invisible symphonia system"
chopper: ahh earplugs !
never fails to make me laugh!😂😂

Kangaroo • 2 years ago

i'm surprised luffy even picked up that he was ceaser LOL. ngl i kinda miss Ceaser
Also didn't expect Bege's sweet father side...Kinda makes me go from hate him to "ehh he's alright".

Buggy D. Clown • 2 years ago

Ah Gangster Gastino. The most underrated character in one piece.

ifrewup • 2 years ago

caesar is like senku if he watched punk metal music

God Usopp • 2 years ago

Luffy's decision making
if everyone agrees: he disagrees
if everyone disagrees: he agrees
"you can't do that
Luffy 'does it'

Zhongli phat ess • 2 years ago

Jimbei : U like Big Mom?
Them : aite lets do this

Dati Deezu • 2 years ago

i had the exact same reaction as luffy when i saw ceaser sitting there i even paused to look before i got to that part

Dyanafl • 2 years ago

Bege is in for a real shock if he thinks Luffy would be an obedient bait Lmao
When Luffy agrees to something so fast, you know it's all going sideways.

Daycrist • 5 months ago

Law turns to Capone "First time?"

Dyanafl • 5 months ago


Shiori (❤ Yamato ❤) • 2 years ago

Jimbei is the only adult there

KiriShenpai • 2 years ago

this seems way too easy lol imagine big mom just getting erased from one piece bc of a rubber man and castle man

kazumilk • 2 years ago

starts 3:40

Or they can attack in bakemom’s mouth when she’ll be laughing like monster ‘mumma mumma’
It would be definitely softer than her skin. And may be more effective as well.

Zora Ideale • 2 years ago

lol they should fire all 3 weapons consecutively, one in the stomach, one in the back, and one in her huge mouth

jimbei is only one that can handle straw hats behaviour 😂😂😂

KDrian • 2 years ago

Luffy is no better than the little people of the Green bit, he is too gullibe and naive😌. If he was not lucky or doesn't have great friends he would've died long ago😔 by being manipulated easily or being fooled and trusting people easily or something like that and I still worry for this sweet child😟.

yura • 2 years ago

the continuous zooming in on of Luffy's face and Caesar sweating LOL

Ice Cream • 2 years ago

"You like Big mom?"
Three of them together:NO
Then stop being a brat and join hands!!!

vanitas • 2 years ago

carrot is me in every group activities

Diamon Shade • 1 year ago

Caesar Clown
Buggy the Clown
Something isn't right here

Nivita • 10 months ago

they're meant to be laughed at

Ya Ya • 2 years ago


Damn i guess bege didn't think before saying this , bitch jimbei or luffy alone can wipe your ass , stop dreamin my boi !

c2 • 6 months ago

Of course Luffy would agree to do it lol.